The Republic of New Afrika
The world is made up of nations and peoples with nationalities. All around the world people identify by their tribe/nationality,there is only one "race" and that is the Human Race. During the slave trade and colonization of Afrikan peoples, We were stripped of Our nationality & identity. Afrikan people in north amerika constitute an internal neo-colony/captive nation that is denied the right of self-determination that would allow Us to determine Our own destiny. It is the International Human Right of any captive nation to wage a Liberation Struggle for self-determination against the oppressive government that maintains a colonial stranglehold over its people.
Accordingly, Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states
"1. Everyone has a right to a nationality
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality".
We overstand that We are not "negro, black, colored, or african american", and if We are to be free to control Our own educational, economical, political, social, & cultural affairs We cannot continue on under the colonial rule of the the united states government. With that overstanding, on March 31, 1968 more than 500 activist and Pan-African Natioinalist met in Detroit for the Black Government Convention. On this day the founders of Our nation set forth a Declaration of Independence, announcing to the international community that We (the captive black nation in the u.s) are a sovereign nation-state with the right to independence and self-government.We would become the New Afrikan Nation,Our nationality "New Afrikan". The Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika (PG-RNA) was established with elected officials. Along with the New Afrikan Declaration of Independence, We were issued a New Afrikan Creed and basic law under the New Afrikan Constitution (Code of Umoja). Our conscious citizens and various formations fighting for self-determination within the RNA are what make up the New Afrikan Independence Movement (NAIM). For over 50 years We have struggled forward thru u.s goverment repression, counter intelligence infilltration and neo-colonial agents attempting to impede upon Our fight to Free The Land and obtain National Liberation. The N.A.L.C is just one of many collectives/orgs within the NAIM that seeks to carry on that protracted struggle by turning theory into practice and action in order to meet the immediate needs of the people.